Immune Boost
Many people think that it’s the cold weather that makes us more susceptible to colds, flu and respiratory infections, but that’s not actually the case. A bigger issue is that during the colder weather we’re more inclined to stay indoors, where it’s warm and cosy.
Unfortunately, that means we’re in closer and more constant proximity to other people. If someone around us gets sick, we’re consequently more likely to catch their infection. To prevent this from happening we need to boost our immune system so that it’s ready to fight the front-line with a good defence.
Olive Leaf Extract supports your immune system
Olive leaves have been traditionally used to enhance the functioning of the immune system and aid the management of viral infections, especially when fever is present. Taking olive leaf extract may be an important measure for supporting your immune system and helping reduce your likelihood of being affected by colds and the flu this winter.
Olive Leaf Extract has a higher antioxidant power than many of the traditional cold and flu season supplements. Research has identified the olive leaf as the most powerful antioxidant of 55 medicinal herbs.

Studies have show that regular doses of zinc taken at the onset of a cold can shorten the symptoms of your illness. This can be taken in capsule or liquid form or sucked in lozenges
Feel free to read more:

Many people also take the herb Echinacea to boost their immune system against upper respiratory tract infections.
Increased doses of Vitamin C are a proven way to strengthen your body’s immune response.
Where can I get more information?
Come and talk to your pharmacist or read more here:
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